Are you organizing a holiday parade in Arizona? ​ Anticipation and excitement are in the air, and what better way to fulfill the expectations than to have your parade culminate with the appearance of a real bearded Santa Caus.

Santa Roger has everything it takes to organize and make your parade a memorable one. ​Having Santa in your parade will make a memorable experience for everyone that takes part in it.

Whether your parade is a small neighborhood event or a grandiose citywide affair, Santa Roger and Mrs Claus will be your event’s crowning glory.

Tree lighting ceremonies are some of the first events you notice when it’s getting close to Christmas. There are many throughout the valley for the public to attend, but these can be done at your home as well. During the holidays many houses are decorated with Christmas trees and having a home experience just with your family and Santa could be a very memorable experience.

Companies may want to have similar parties where they can bring Santa in to light their company Christmas tree. We ensure that your tree lighting experience remains on the lips of everyone in the area and beyond.

Book Santa Roger today to make your tree lighting or parade the best ever.

Please push play to light our trees.

Book now for events prior to November 13th